Free 50 Question NREMT – Basic Practice Exam

As an EMT veteran and EMT instructor, I can’t stress enough the importance of NREMT basic exam practice tests. They’re not just about memorizing stuff; they get you in tune with the exam’s feel and type of questions. The real deal is about quick thinking under pressure, much like in the field.

Practicing also eases your nerves, helping you spot your weak spots. It transforms your knowledge into something practical for the exam. Plus, it’s crucial for time management – a skill vital for both the test and real emergencies. In my experience, those who commit to practice tests don’t just pass; they excel in their EMT careers.

That’s why I am providing this 50-question practice exam for free. I simply want you to pass the NREMT and get out there and make a difference in someone’s life.

Created on By Michael Catrow

50 Question EMT Practice Exam

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1 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

1. The anatomy of the airway consists of the upper and the lower airways. The upper airway starts at the mouth and Nares and ends at the _________?

2 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

2. A device that delivers a specific amount of medication to the lungs, in the form of a short burst of aerosolized medicine that is inhaled by the patient is known as a(n)?

3 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

3. What is the maximum flow rate allowed for a Nasal Cannula?

4 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

4. The lower airway ends at the Alveoli, where gas exchange occurs. Oxygen moves to the hemoglobin by passing through a semipermeable membrane. Where does this occur?

5 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

5. A device designed for the blind intubation of a patient. It consists of a cuffed double-lumen tube with one blind end. Inflation of the cuff allows the device to function as an endotracheal tube and closes off the esophagus, allowing ventilation and preventing reflux of gastric contents.

6 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

6. What is the maximum flow rate for O2 therapy at 100%?

7 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

7. You respond to a call for a 29 y/o patient that has fallen from a ladder. Your patient is having difficulty breathing. What is the best way to open the patient's airway?

8 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

8. The tongue can be a source of an airway obstruction; it can fall back and occlude the _________?

9 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

9. To create negative pressure in the thorax (chest cavity) the diaphragm contracts and moves _____________. This action expands the volume of the thorax, allowing air to rush into the lungs.

10 / 50

Category: Airway and Breathing

10. In order to assist intubation, a paramedic may utilize Sellick's maneuver. In this procedure, which cartilage are you compressing?

11 / 50

Category: Cardiology

11. Your patient is a 52-year old male complaining of dull, achy chest pains. He is alert & oriented but upon assessment, you notice his skin is pale, cool, and clammy. What is your next step?

12 / 50

Category: Cardiology

12. What is a cardiac compromise?

13 / 50

Category: Cardiology

13. What does an AED treat?

14 / 50

Category: Cardiology

14. What is the resting heart rate of a newborn 0-3 months old?

15 / 50

Category: Cardiology

15. Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium. The pulmonary vein empties oxygen-rich blood, from the lungs into the left atrium. Blood flows from your right atrium into your right ventricle through the open tricuspid valve. When the ventricles are full, the tricuspid valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atria while the ventricles contract (squeeze). Blood flows from your left atrium into your left ventricle through the open mitral valve. When the ventricles are full, the mitral valve shuts.

This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atria while the ventricles contract (squeeze). Oxygen and carbon dioxide travels to and from tiny air sacs in the lungs, through the walls of the capillaries, into the blood. Blood leaves the heart through the pulmonic valve, into the pulmonary artery and to the lungs. Blood leaves the heart through the aortic valve, into the aorta and to the body. This pattern is repeated, causing blood to flow continuously to the heart, lungs and body.

16 / 50

Category: Cardiology

16. The two-flap valve located on the left side of the heart is the:

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Category: Cardiology

17. Which of these is not part of the circulatory system?

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Category: Cardiology

18. What are the layers of the heart from the inside out?

19 / 50

Category: Cardiology

19. Pulmonary Veins carry oxygenated blood to the heart

20 / 50

Category: Cardiology

20. You are called to a nursing home for a patient with swelling to her legs. Upon arrival, you find a 76-year-old patient sitting in a wheelchair. Assessment confirms pitting edema to both lower legs. You are able to palpate a dorsalis pedal pulse bilaterally. Her skin is warm, pink, and dry. Her lungs are clear bilaterally. Which of the following conditions do you suspect?

21 / 50

Category: Cardiology

21. You respond to the scene of a 34 y/o male patient who is not breathing and they have no pulse. They were found in a pool. An AED is available. How do you treat this patient?

22 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

22. You respond to the scene of a patient that has fallen from a ladder. What information is NOT an important factor in the care of the patient?

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Category: Trauma Emergencies

23. While on scene for an MVA. Two of your patients state they do not wish to be treated. The Third is complaining of numbness and tingling all over their body, as well, neck and back pain. How do you proceed?

24 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

24. While on scene of the MVA from the previous question. You are treating the patient that complains of neck and back pain, as well as numbness and tingling. What is your first step in assessing and treating this patient?

25 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

25. An arterial bleed has a slow and steady bleed.

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Category: Trauma Emergencies

26. Your patient has an arterial bleed as a result of a laceration. You have applied bandages and pressure but the wound continues to bleed. How do you treat this patient?

27 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

27. What is the term to describe how a patient is injured?

28 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

28. When responding to the scene of an injury call, what should you do first?

29 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

29. What are obvious signs of death? Check all that apply.

30 / 50

Category: Trauma Emergencies

30. You respond to a 16-year-old female patient who has fallen from an unknown height. One of her legs seems shorter than the other. What sort of injury should you suspect?

31 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

31. Your respond to a call for altered mental status. During your scene size up, what could be a clue as to the cause of the SUDDEN change in mental status. Check all that apply

32 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

32. Patients with high blood sugar can appear to be drunk.

33 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

33. You respond to a call for an unconscious patient. He has dilated pupils and slow breathing. There is drug paraphernalia on the scene. What is the FIRST treatment you should render?

34 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

34. When a patient is diaphoretic they are...

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Category: Medical Emergencies

35. You find that your diabetic patient is hypoglycemic. You have oral glucose to give to the patient. You will give 15 grams of instant glucose to the patient except if they are ___________?

36 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

36. You are responding to a call for an insect sting. Your patient complains of difficulty breathing and has a developing rash and swelling of the skin. What do you suspect the patient is experiencing.

37 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

37. Your patient has altered mental status, facial droop, and slurred speech. However, these symptoms have vanished by the time you arrive at the ER. What was the likely cause of these symptoms?

38 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

38. What is a renal calculi?

39 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

39. Your patient has just suffered from a seizure. They have altered mental status, are lethargic, and have soiled themselves. What condition is your patient in?

40 / 50

Category: Medical Emergencies

40. Which of the following is the largest indicator that your patient is at risk for suicide.

41 / 50

Category: Operations

41. You are called to the scene of a 14-year-old male. He has been struck by a car. The police inform you they are unable to find the boy's parents. What allows you to treat this child?

42 / 50

Category: Operations

42. You arrive on scene for a call for an injured woman. A man answers the door and tells you to leave. What do you do?

43 / 50

Category: Operations

43. You respond to an ER. Your patient is unable to leave the hospital due to bilateral amputations of the legs. He refuses to be transported by you stating, he does not want to pay for an ambulance ride. The nurse insists you transport the patient. What do you do?

44 / 50

Category: Operations

44. What policy does not allow you to talk about a patient's medical condition to anyone but the patient, those involved in their care, and those the patient gives you permission to tell?

45 / 50

Category: Operations

45. What does HIPAA stand for?

46 / 50

Category: Operations

46. What practice protects you and your patient from body fluid exposure?

47 / 50

Category: Operations

47. You are protected under what law if you decide to render aid to an injured person?

48 / 50

Category: Operations

48. You should always remain strapped in while in the back of an ambulance unless providing a medical intervention.

49 / 50

Category: Operations

49. Where should you stage when responding to a HAZMAT situation?

50 / 50

Category: Operations

50. When you arrive at the receiving facility you must transfer care to the ED staff. By giving a report to the attending nursing staff about the past medical history, the patient’s complaint assessment, and interventions you have just allowed for what?

Your score is

The average score is 72%


NREMT National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians EMT/ Basic 10-Test Bundle

Hopefully, you did well! Don’t sweat it if you did not do as well as you had hoped. Fortunately, I have partnered with EXAM EDGE to provide you with the best simulated NREMT practice exams. Use code SAVE-GYUY at checkout and take 10% the cost of your practice tests.

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Hey there! It's so great to meet you! My name is Mike, and I am thrilled to be able to share my extensive EMS experience with you. I am currently working as an EMT in Tucson and am also an EMT instructor at Pima Community College. I am passionate about teaching future first responders, and I created this site specifically to assist anyone interested in pursuing a career in EMS.

It's possible that you are here because you're considering becoming an EMT, or maybe you are already one. Throughout my career, I have tested out countless pieces of EMT-related gear and equipment, and I want to help guide you in making smart decisions when it comes to selecting the best gear for your needs.

I am here to offer my support, so feel free to reach out if there is anything you need. Let's work together to make sure you have the tools you need to excel in this rewarding field!